A Natural History of Chicano Literature: Juan Felipe Herrera
Juan Felipe Herrera traveled as a child with his parents through many small farming towns and cities in California, until finally settling in San Diego. He has taught poetry from kindergarten…
California, and the Southwest was part of Mexico for only 27 Years, before
that it was a part of Spain, White Spain! That is mostly White Spaniards
Colonized the U.S Southwest, from California to Texas there may have been
some 70,000 Total!
Go to ebay and type in chicano flag buy one AMERICAN Heritage Flags Inc
I’m sorry for your abuse growing up, but you should learn to forgive your
parents in order to be a healthy individual. If you need help please
message me, I’m a psycologist.
Thank you, this has been added to a playlist…
Your ignorance is very funny. You should go back and learn history because
California was mexico and so was much of the west. Meaning (if ur lil
peanut head brain hasn’t figured it out) that mexicans were there before
your stinky european butt. “dignit and self-respect” is something you know
nothing about. So if you hate it so much go cross the big ass atlantic or
pacific ocean from which your people came from and go back to your country.
Ignorante, sorry excuse for a human being…
Ovio, que no sabes nada y eres muy ignorate. Sabiendo que california era
mexico entoces seria que los mexicanos han estado antes de tus apestos
europanos como usted. Mejor k tu te vallas a europa y colonises a tu gente.
Gringo ignorante y mal educado..
oh my goodness, most of the commentators on here have NO idea at all what a
poet or what poetry is! The drama and the beauty of family, struggle,
language….go beyond borders…..this is what Poetry Is. I guess you can’t
teach poetry to a bunch of haters. Haters, haters, who are you? You got
nothing but hate to do!
who’s leeching who? aqui estamos y no nos vamos! aqui nacimos y aqui
morimos! haters! somos parte de este pais , como la tierra misma, la
tierrra arida de arizona, la tierra fertil de california,pertenecemos a
esta tierra y viceversa, somos de ella y ella es nuestra, no hay camino
hacia atras,aceptanos , atacanos, o ingnoranos, pero nadie puede negar esta
what the fuck u lil fucker!!! im mexican n i had never been inside ur
country, however i speak ur language,let me tell u that u are most fucked
up mother fucker in the world, surely ur mom was raped by a mexican and ur
dad is a redneck, fuck u man i hope i could see ur racist sick face and
erase it from this world, u are a shame for the human race fuckin fagget
It was part of mEhico for 27 years. Big shit. And it was European (Spanish)
for 300 years before that. Understand beaner? Now go back and pick fruit
and vegetables like a good little beaner slave.
If you want to know what’s wrong with mEhico, perhaps you should ask one of
the millions of border jumping beaners from mEhico who are currently living
in the USA (illegaly). Obviously there must be problems in mEhico if
beaners would leave their family and come here illegally. Don’t you
think… eh dumbshit? If you haven’t been to mEhico, I suggest you visit
that craphole and witness the endless poverty for yourself. Beaners should
join EZLN instead of coming here and fuking up the USA.
mexicans are total trash. this trash has been in california for 160 years
and all they still do is mop floors, wash dishes, and park cars. mexican =
“human” trash. why don’t these “people” get some self-respect and dignity
and go back and fix meHico instead of coming here and leeching off