Author: admin

Less Education Linked To Obesity In Women
by Dirección de Comunicación UTPL Many studies suggest that college graduates are generally healthier than non-graduates. New government research has concluded that women with a higher education are less likely to be overweight or obese. Highly educated women generally live in households with middle to high-class income levels. Those without a college degree who live […]

Physical Changes After Exercise
by daryl_mitchell It normally takes about six weeks before you notice any physical changes to yourself, but this is secondary to our cause and a great bonus for us. The biggest mistake that most everyone makes on the first walk they undertake is its MUCH TO FAR Always set a distance you know you can […]

Miscarriage linked to broken hearts
by Social Media Max Miscarriage linked to broken hearts RepeatedMiscarriages May Predict Later Heart Attack Risk, Researchers Say Repeated miscarriagesmay be a strong predictor of later heart attack risk, researchers found. Women with more than three spontaneous miscarriages were over five times more likely to suffer a heart attack later in life after adjusting for […]

Shoulder Dystocia Linked to Erb’s Palsy
by danja. Shoulder dystocia can be one of the most dangerous and frightening emergencies in the delivery room. It occurs when the baby’s anterior shoulder gets “stuck” behind the mother’s pelvic bone, and the baby’s body cannot continue through the birth canal properly. If a healthcare professional fails to see the signs of shoulder dystocia […]

Fetal Distress Linked to Cerebral Palsy
Fetal distress is a complication that can arise during pregnancy where the uterine environment becomes a threat to the baby’s health. Generally, fetal distress is signaled by a very high or very low fetal heart rate. If a baby’s oxygen supply is depleted, they may suffer brain damage, which may lead to serious medical conditions […]