Author: admin

The Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the branch in Computer science which aims to develop machines to act the way humans work with his intelligence. This word was coined by John McCarthy first in 1956 at Dartmouth College. Trained computers will have the ability to write programs by themselves if they encounter a difficult circumstance. They also have […]

The Reality of Value Based Happiness Not Understandable in Terms of Physics or Biology
by Western Since “meaning,” “purpose,” and “goals” do not exist in time and space, they are not physical things we can observe directly. Some philosophers have said that they do not even exist at all. Value based happiness is a romantic myth, they say, created by the human mind in order to make us feel […]

Latest Literature News
357/365 Fridge Literature [Warning: contains spoilers] Image by t0msk Some classic works of literature reduced to fridge poetry. This is what I do whilst I’m waiting for the toast to pop up or for the kettle to boil. See notes for further details. Or not, if you’ve not read/seen Name Of The Rose and don’t […]

Office Technology Checklist
by opensourceway Is your business growing and in need of more office space? Or perhaps you are remodelling your old office and want to update your look. If this is the case, you may want to think about updating your technology as well. Although it may require a little extra money and some more effort, […]

Latest Artificial Intelligence News
Mycroft is the first ever open source artificial intelligence platform for … As we continue to see how Artificial Intelligence can make our lives easier including everything from natural language processing to self-driving cars, it was only a matter of time before the technology broke out of the private domain of large … Read more […]