Author: admin

Units and Dimensions in Physics Continued from
by Internet Archive Book Images Units and Dimensions in Physics Continued Dimensions: The unit of any derived quantity depends upon one or more fundamental units. This dependence can be expressed with the help of dimensions of that derived quantity. In other words, the dimensions of a physical quantity show its until its related to the […]

Best Universities of Economics in Europe
by Internet Archive Book Images The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master’s degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. Thus, lots of universities of business are founded to offer MBA programs for students. Below are the best economics universities in Europe: Institute of Earth Science and […]

Hollywood And Its Artificial Intelligence
by Fran Simó ( I dreamed about a human being ) People living in Hollywood seems to own a different belief system which make some fundamental laws of life. The most common among these laws are: The bad always loses eventually, terrorists are bound to be from another country, rousing speeches are ritual before battle, […]

Latest Linked Data News
Trans fats, not saturated fats, linked to increased mortality, CHD risks Trans fat intake was associated with an increased risk for all-cause mortality and CHD; however, consuming saturated fats did not appear to influence risk for mortality, CHD, CVD, ischemic stroke or diabetes, according to recent data. Read more on Healio Your Genes Won't Make […]

Introducing Holistic Medicine
by Rakka Holistic medicine can include alternative treatment practices, T’ai Chi, meditating, dowsing for health and even medical astrology. Through the past few years, the curiosity in holistic medicine has grown drastically, simply because increasing numbers of people are becoming conscious of the real benefits these natural medical options may offer. Produced from the Greek […]