Innovation and Technology

by deanj Personal Ethics and Technology As the value of information stored in your computer increases the risk involved also increases. This calls for formulation of information technology policies and rules which should be adhered to at personal and organizational level. One is required to consult his or her superior whenever he or she is […]

Artificial Intelligence – At a High End Approach

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science which aims to create intelligence of machines. This word was coined by John McCarthy in 1956 and defines it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.” It has been a very hot subject of breathtaking optimism which has been met with lot of setback in […]

GCSE Mathematics Compared to GCE – A Betrayal of Standards

by Internet Archive Book Images In the U.K prior to 1986 there were two separate exams for 16 year-olds, running parallel to each other. These were the C.S.E.(Certificate of secondary education) and the G.C.E.(General Certificate of Education). The G.C.E. was as an exam-only based qualification that would allow students to carry on with secondary education […]

Latest Artificial Intelligence News

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Creativity But can a painting's level of creativity be quantified by Artificial Intelligence (AI)? At Rutgers' Art and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, my colleagues and I proposed a novel algorithm that assessed the creativity of any given painting, while … Read more on h+ Magazine Artificial intelligence at the center of Buenos […]

Where to Buy Chemistry Lab Equipment and Supplies

by RDECOM Chemistry Lab Equipment – Buy a New or Refurbished One? Are you looking for an effective way to modernize your laboratory? Then, it is always better to buy chemistry lab equipment that follow prescribed specifications and standards. Only such equipment can provide the required level of accuracy for your research experiments. The right […]