Author: admin

As Artificial Intelligence Enters Biz, Humans Retain Inventive Edge
As Artificial Intelligence Enters Biz, Humans Retain Inventive Edge Artificial intelligence can be smarter, but humans retain an imaginative edge. How the two collaborate: • Use intelligent tools. Health care IT firm Modernizing Medicine tapped into IBM's (NYSE:IBM) supercomputer Watson for an innovative edge. The … Read more on Investor’s Business Daily

Experts suggest Artificial Intelligence could treat individuals based on genes …
Experts suggest Artificial Intelligence could treat individuals based on genes … The hand of humanoid robot AILA (artificial intelligence lightweight android) operates a switchboard during a demonstration by the German research centre for artificial intelligence at the CeBit computer fair in Hanover March, 5, 2013. The biggest fair … Read more on International Business Times […]

Latest Artificial Intelligence News
Could Artificial Intelligence Lose Its Mind? The DeepDream algorithm Google made public this month is a strange offshoot of image recognition technology based on artificial intelligence. It can turn mundane images into hallucinatory worlds, and has spawned sites where you can have photos … Read more on Bloomberg View Connecting artificial intelligence with the internet of […]

The Art and Economics of Cheap Banners
by Internet Archive Book Images Advertising Banners can bring huge amount of success to the businesses. This is the reason that people are not careful about spending on the advertising and they end up in an un-smart investment which later leads to frustration and confusion. In fact banners are the most common forms of advertising […]

Different Types Of Literature Dispensers
by Greh Fox The selection of literature stands often depend on your specific needs. Some people, especially those who have books or magazine stalls, buy those that can display their items to the customers in a better way. On the other hand folding dispensers are easy to carry from one place to the other. Thus, […]