Assisted Satellite Location Determination Patents Available from ICAP Patent Brokerage

New York (PRWEB) April 02, 2015 ICAP Patent Brokerage announces for sale a patent portfolio disclosing systems and apparatus for decreasing satellite acquisition time by using a reverse-cone technique, available from TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) (NASDAQ:TSYS). This portfolio is offered as part of the Internet of Things IP Auction, with a bidding deadline of April […]

As School Begins Heat Linked Injuries Climb

by LOD2project Thousands of high school athletes, mostly football players, are sidelined every year due to heat-related illnesses, and most occur during the preseason, primarily in August, the CDC says in a new report. The report also says that heat-related injuries are more likely to occur among overweight athletes. Heat-related illnesses included in the study […]

The Little Gym of Houston Announces New Summer Camps for Children

(PRWEB) June 18, 2015 The Little Gym of Houston has announced that they will now be offering summer camps for children to enjoy while school is out. The camps are seasonal, and they combine gymnastics, music, art and building activities that will keep kids active and engaged during their summer vacation. “We believe that […]

Global Economics and a Dog from Japan

by markwainwright We live in a time of great change and hardship, but also one of great hope and opportunity. The change and hardship is easy for most of us to understand, due to the roller-coaster global economy, increasing frequency of natural disasters, and the myriad wars and unrest going on around the world. So […]