Author: admin

Research Foundation Sees Much Promise in Treatment of Deadly Cancer
Alexandria, VA (PRWEB) October 31, 2014 The interim results, which were reported during the International Mesothelioma Interest Group’s meeting last week by Raffit Hassan, MD, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and former chair of the Meso Foundation’s Science Advisory Board, were promising. Dr. Hassan stated in his report that “of 16 evaluable […]

Latest Physics News
Iowa State Engineer Helps Army Lab Study the Fundamental Physics of Diesel … Newswise — AMES, Iowa – The compression-ignition, internal-combustion engine goes all the way back to the 1890s and the work of one Rudolf Diesel. All these decades later, engineers have developed advanced diesels featuring higher pressures, lighter … Read more on Newswise (press […]

New Datex Mobile Device Loaner Program Ensures Supply Chain Operations Remain Productive
Clearwater, FL (PRWEB) October 31, 2014 Supply chain solutions provider Datex recently announced that free loaner devices will be provided to customers using the Mobile Device Management (MDM) service. In addition to the device loaner program, Datex now also provides a mobile device buyback program and a new product demo pool for clients that subscribe […]

Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus – A Level Physics
A description of Hooke’s Law, the concepts of stress and strain, Young’s Modulus (stress divided by strain) and energy stored in a stretched material.

New AIR Report Looks at Ph.D. Gender Imbalance in Academic Fields
Washington, D.C. (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 A new American Institutes for Research (AIR) research brief identifies the most gender imbalanced academic fields in which Ph.D.s are awarded. In the STEM field, animal sciences and mathematics had far more men earning doctorates while forestry, information science/studies and three categories of engineering had more women. The findings […]