Test Bank Store Reaches Over 4,000 Students

Houston, TX (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 There’s an old adage that says knowledge is power, and representatives with a Texas-based company called the Test Bank Store, says more than 4,000 students have been helped with the practice exams, quiz questions and more to help prepare for tests. “We’re so excited to have helped more […]

Chemistry Club “Reaction Show”

Chemistry Club “Reaction Show” The Chemistry Club put on a reaction show on Oct. 23 during National Chemistry Week to celebrate Mole Day. The audience in Charter Hall 201 was comprised mostly of elementary students from the local public schools along with their parents. Noelle Beyer … Read more on The Spur Chemistry lab explosion at […]

The R.I.S.K. Team – Espionage Detection – TSCM Services Expanding Throughout the Southeast as an Elite and Well-equipped Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Team

Birmingham, Alabama (PRWEB) October 14, 2014 Today, The R.I.S.K. Team intelligence and counter espionage services expand throughout the southeast to companies and individuals who require a thorough sweep of all covert eavesdropping and hidden surveillance devices. The R.I.S.K. Team is an elite and well-equipped TSCM provider highly capable of detecting the activities of spies and […]

North Carolina-Based Collaboration Takes on Medicine Management Challenge

Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) October 30, 2014 The affiliated companies of Community Care of North Carolina, Inc. (CCNC), along with GSK and the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy (The School) today announced their intent to develop, implement and test new approaches to care delivery with the goal of helping lower healthcare costs through better use of […]

New Book Encourages People to Face Religious Irrationality Head-On

Clinton, N.Y. (PRWEB) October 10, 2014 “There is so much religious pressure in American life (and politics) that the individual’s absolute right to unbelief needs constantly to be asserted,” says author Philip Stewart. In the United States, the 2012 Pew Research Survey results regarding people’s belief in God show that 91% of the general population […]