Flower Magazine and Mulberry and Lime to Host Book Signing Event Featuring Peacock Alley Founder Mary Ella Gabler’s Uncommon Thread

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) October 16, 2014 Mary Ella Gabler founded the celebrated home textiles brand, Peacock Alley. She turned a chic boudoir pillow, created on her home sewing machine, into a multi-million dollar luxury linen business, contributing to changing how Americans view their bedrooms. Uncommon Thread is the story of that journey. This deeply personal […]

Balancing Chemical Equations

The art of balancing equations in chemistry! More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=RnGu3xO2h74. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Another vid, (this time not a slide show) of QOTSA, better living through chemistry. Great song… more to come. Video Rating: 4 / 5

All on Four Dental Implants Dentist Writes Blog on Preventing Gum Disease

New Albany, IN (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 All on Four dental implants dentist Dr. Ron Receveur encourages all persons who have received dental implants to vigilant in the fight against gum disease in a recent blog post. The post, which can be found at http://www.newalbanyimplants.com/dr-rons-blog/, reminds those with dental implants that if they don’t […]

Latest Medicine News

★medicine Image by {✿D-Munkhuulei✿} when i ill my of leg bone everywhere …. medicine care for me….. 🙂 {photography weblog}. {facebook}. {twitter}. {design weblog}. A closer look at the history of Chinese medicine Chinese medicine consists of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes which can help keep you healthy in both your body […]