Allsup and Invisible Disabilities Association Invite You to Get Personal During Disability Awareness Month (DAM)

Belleville, Ill (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 October is Disability Awareness Month (DAM), and a fitting time to raise awareness that disabilities aren’t always visible. They can affect people in different ways, according to Allsup, a nationwide Social Security Disability Insurance representation company. Allsup and the Invisible Disabilities Association (IDA) invite individuals with disabilities, caregivers, advocates […]

Supplemented Framingham risk model published by Dove Medical Press

(PRWEB) October 01, 2014 Vascular Health and Risk Management has published the original research “Adding multiple risk factors improves Framingham coronary heart disease risk scores”. As corresponding author Dr Martin Root says “For decades, the Framingham heart disease risk score, in its various forms, has been the gold standard for estimating heart disease risk […]

3 win chemistry Nobel for super-zoom microscopes

3 win chemistry Nobel for super-zoom microscopes STOCKHOLM — Three researchers won a Nobel Prize on Wednesday for giving microscopes much sharper vision than was thought possible, letting scientists peer into living cells with unprecedented detail to seek the roots of disease. The chemistry prize … Read more on Boston Globe Chemistry, Small Ball and Situational […]