Sustainable development unrealistic without mathematics education —MAN

Sustainable development unrealistic without mathematics education —MAN Also, the MAN, in a communique issued at the end of its 51st annual national conference in Ilorin, observed that Mathematics education is facing serious challenges, saying that little emphasis is placed on the motivation of Mathematics teachers in schools. Read more on Nigerian Tribune Berkeley briefs: MoSAIC […]

Battle of the Paddle Welcomes Prone Paddlers

Dana Point, CA (PRWEB) October 03, 2014 With all eyes fixed on the action at the 2014 Battle of the Paddle on Salt Creek in Dana Point, California this weekend spectators will notice a new paddlecraft at the start line on Saturday. With a solid south swell in the forecast for the 7th Annual Battle […]

Canada Lights the Way to Advances in the Cultivation of Food and Flowers

Novato, California (PRWEB) October 06, 2014 LumiGrow, Inc., the leader in greenhouse spectrum control systems, expands its Canadian customer base, and partners with Canadian scientists to study the effects of light on plant growth. A team of scientists led by Dr. Youbin Zheng at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario recently released the results […]

Cheap Bamboo Panels For Worldwide People Now From

(PRWEB) October 06, 2014 Recently,, a great bamboo product supplier in the market, has unveiled its new collection of bamboo panels on its website. What’s more, the company is providing great discounts for its new and old clients now. All people can enjoy huge price cuts (from 10 to 30 percent off) before October […]