Author: admin

Louisiana Tech physics professor lectures in Africa
Louisiana Tech physics professor lectures in Africa RUSTON – Zeno "Dick" Greenwood, professor of physics at Louisiana Tech University, helped organize and implement the 2014 African School of Fundamental Physics and its Application in Dakar, Senegal. Greenwood lectured and held tutorials on the use … Read more on Monroe News Star Founder of secret science team […]

veEDIS Solves Challenges of Revenue Management in the Emergency Department
Plantation, FL (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 veEDIS Clinical Systems, LLC has developed technology that is unlike any in the industry, an EMR that assists hospitals to capture deserved-revenue through more complete and accurate documentation. This technology is non-interruptive to the clinical user, but helps to ensure the most complete documentation based on the patient’s problem […]

India's economy
India's economy WHEN Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party won a thumping majority for its pro-growth promises in India's elections in May, hopes swelled that the new government would adopt economic reforms that had proved beyond the brittle coalitions of the past. Read more on The Economist “Most Accurate Economist” to deliver 2015 forecast at award […]

Clinovations Recognized as a Fastest Growing Company by the Washington Business Journal
WASHINGTON, DC (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 Clinovations, LLC, a leading healthcare consulting firm in Washington, DC, has been recognized by the Washington Business Journal as one of the “50 Fastest Growing Companies” in the region. “We are excited to be named to this list for the second year in a row,” said Trenor Williams, […]

On September 8th The Lords Witnesses Bible Scholars Released New Bible Calculations Predicting Two Nuclear Terrorist Attacks Within The Next 7 days:
London, England (PRWEB) September 08, 2014 Their President, Gordon Ritchie, explains the new calculations as follows… “There is some theological debate over whether the true text of Revelation13 has 666 as the number of the beast or 616. Recently, scientists at Oxford University in England, revealed that a fragment of Papyrus discovered ironically in […]