Author: admin

Curious Oyster Seminars: A Vacation that Changes Lives
Santa Fe, NM (PRWEB) September 14, 2014 Providing the “experience of a lifetime” is a tall order but Curious Oyster Seminars does just that. Offering exclusive literary vacations in stunning locations, Curious Oyster Seminars takes its “seminarians” to a beautiful place where they discuss a book that was inspired by that location. Imagine reading Dostoevsky […]

Technology in art
In 1990, Atlantans learned that their city would host the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games and when company’s coming you tend to look at your home with a fresh eye – that is just what Atlanta did for several years leading up to the 1996 summer games. Improving upon what was already in place: Atlanta developed […]

Best Selling Author Sara Wiseman Contributor to Newly Released Book Your Soaring Phoenix Today on Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio
Salem, Oregon (PRWEB) September 12, 2014 Sara Wiseman, best-selling author of inspirational literature, enraptures readers with heart-felt events and true-life tales leaving the reader elevated and ready to start life anew. Wiseman’s chapter contribution to the newly released Your Soaring Phoenix reveals how individuals develop through painful events, times of empathy and compassion, and the […]

Shale Gas Market: A Brief Research Report 2018 by Transparency Market Research
Albany, New York (PRWEB) September 27, 2014 Shale gas is a type of unconventional gas trapped within organic-rich shale formations. It is the most common form of sedimentary rock found in the deposits all over the world. Shale gas is extracted through a decent combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that allows an appropriate […]

Fertility Treatment Now Available to Central New Jersey QualCare Patients
Edison, New Jersey (PRWEB) September 25, 2014 Women and men looking to grow their families now have more options in Central New Jersey. As of this month, Reproductive Endocrinologists and Infertility Specialists Dr. Suna Qasim and Dr. Rahul Sachdev accept patients with New Jersey medical coverage through QualCare, Inc., a high-quality, low cost insurance plan […]