Category: Artificial Intelligence

Advances in AI and ML are reshaping healthcare
Megh Gupta Contributor Megh Gupta is a member of the investment team at OMERS Ventures. Qasim Mohammad Contributor Qasim Mohammad is a Toronto-based venture capitalist and a member of the investment team at OMERS Ventures. More posts by this contributor: Voice recognition technology is expediting the race to frictionless retail Opportunities and challenges in commercializing space privately […]

The only way to prove you aren’t a robot is to solve this chess puzzle
Check it out, Mate! Image: James Tagg Check out the chess board above: looks wrong, right? If you’ve ever played chess, you know something’s amiss, here. For one thing, someone chose to exchange a pawn for another bishop instead of a queen. For another, virtually all the action’s moved to the left side of a […]

Can this Al win a $200,000 poker battle?
An AI system named Libratus will go up against top poker players during matches later this month in Pittsburgh. Image: joe raedle/ Getty Images Artificial intelligence has already become a part of our everyday lives through AI-assisted services like Siri. But Al has its own hobbies too, including the mind-whirling game of poker. Scholars at […]

Kazuo Ishiguro: ‘Were coming close to the point where we can create people who are superior to others’
Social changes unleashed by new technologies could undermine core human values unless we engage with science, warns author. Imagine a two-tiered society with elite citizens, genetically engineered to be smarter, healthier and to live longer, and an underclass of biologically run-of-the-mill humans. It sounds like the plot of a dystopian novel, but the world could […]

Meet the drones that will be delivering blood and medicine to hospitals in Rwanda
Where the roads don’t go, the skies do. Starting later this year, hospitals and clinics in western Rwanda that are difficult to reach on the ground will be able to receive important medical supplies via delivery drones. Zipline, an American startup company, recently signed an agreement with the Government of Rwanda to provide all last […]