Category: Artificial Intelligence

Experts suggest Artificial Intelligence could treat individuals based on genes …
Experts suggest Artificial Intelligence could treat individuals based on genes … The hand of humanoid robot AILA (artificial intelligence lightweight android) operates a switchboard during a demonstration by the German research centre for artificial intelligence at the CeBit computer fair in Hanover March, 5, 2013. The biggest fair … Read more on International Business Times […]

Latest Artificial Intelligence News
Could Artificial Intelligence Lose Its Mind? The DeepDream algorithm Google made public this month is a strange offshoot of image recognition technology based on artificial intelligence. It can turn mundane images into hallucinatory worlds, and has spawned sites where you can have photos … Read more on Bloomberg View Connecting artificial intelligence with the internet of […]

Artificial Intelligence 'Arms Race' warning
Artificial Intelligence 'Arms Race' warning Artificial Intelligence 'Arms Race' warning. Some of the biggest names in science are warning about the use of artificial intelligence weapons, in what's being called an "AI arms race." Mashable's Editor-At-Large, Lance Ulanoff joins Tamron Hall on … Read more on MSNBC EDITORIAL: Artificial intelligence challenges distinction between man, machine Robo-ethics, […]

Artificial intelligence : myths and realties
There has been a lot of myths, and also criticisms about the relatively new field of computer science called Artificial intelligence(AI). Some even believed that AI was the way to a rule by machines. Some say AI is nothing but nonsense cladded in technical terms. In this article I try to demystify this fascinating field […]

Artificial intelligence: self-aware NAO robots – UTV Ireland
Adobe Illustrator vs Artificial Intelligence Image by Viktor Hertz A mash-up of the film ‘A.I’ by Steven Spielberg, and the software program Adobe Illustrator. Available as poster and other prints here:… Artificial intelligence: self-aware NAO robots – UTV Ireland From the Terminator movie franchise to the Matrix trilogy, artificial intelligence (AI) has been used […]