Category: Chemistry

SpiderSmart Learning Center of Frederick has the Cure for those Summer Slide or Kindergarten Readiness Blues
Frederick, MD (PRWEB) June 04, 2015 11% of kindergarteners in Frederick County enter school not fully ready. School-age children lose, on average, about two months of grade level equivalency in math over the summer. Researchers at Duke University, among others, have found that summer learning programs — whether they be for remediation, enrichment, or acceleration […]

University of California Merced Selects Advanced Clustering to Build Supercomputer
(PRWEB) June 03, 2015 University of California Merced has selected Advanced Clustering Technologies to build a cluster supercomputer that will support research at the institution. The new supercomputer will help researchers at the university quickly and flexibly conduct their research projects while expanding the ability to answer the questions being asked, said Hrant Hratchian, […]

Susquehanna Health Pediatrician Warns of Adverse Effects of Teen E-Cigarette Usage
Williamsport, PA (PRWEB) June 02, 2015 Recent findings from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey indicate that while there has been a reduction in conventional cigarette smoking, use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has tripled and waterpipe vapor (hookah) usage has doubled among today’s teens in a year. Susquehanna Health Pediatrician Dr. Russell Gombosi believes the […]

Analytical Strategies for Drug Development Seminar in Cambridge
Morton Grove, IL (PRWEB) May 28, 2015 Regis Technologies will host a technical talk in Cambridge, MA delivered by their Director of Analytical Method Development, Paul Wrezel, Ph.D. The talk is free and open to the public. Arrive at 8:00am for coffee and networking; the seminar will begin at 8:30am and will last one hour. […]

Hands-On Science Improves High School Test Scores
Charleston, South Carolina (PRWEB) May 22, 2015 Empowering teachers and engaging students are two goals of the Charleston County School District, and the district is finding pathways to those goals with Inquiries in Science® kits from Carolina Biological Supply Company. After using Inquiries in Science® kits over the last three years to improve students’ end-of-year […]