Category: Chemistry

Cake Chemistry – Periodic Table of Videos
To celebrate our first birthday, we decide to bake ourselves a special cake in the lab – and talk about chemistry, of course. More at http://www.periodicvide… Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Journal Soft Matter Honors Holographic Video Microscopy Technology work by Spheryx , Inc. Co-Founder, Prof. David Grier, in its 10th Anniversary Edition
New York, NY (PRWEB) February 03, 2015 Spheryx, Inc. is pleased to announce that an article submitted by David Grier, co-founder of Spheryx and Professor of Physics at New York University, has been selected to be the cover article in its 10th Anniversary Issue of Soft Matter, a journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. […]

Chemical Reactions & Equations, Lecture 1, Class 10, Chemistry
This is the first part of the lecture for understanding Chemical reactions and equations in chemistry for preparing for class 10th (High School). The lecture… Video Rating: 4 / 5

New Software From METTLER TOLEDO Allows Scientists to Study Particle Size, Shape and Concentration In Real Time
(PRWEB) February 03, 2015 METTLER TOLEDO is pleased to announce that iC PVM software is now available. iC PVM allows scientists to acquire comprehensive process knowledge by viewing particles in real time using an intuitive interface. Combined with the next-generation inline PVM tool, ParticleView V19 with PVM technology, iC PVM continuously captures high-resolution images under […]

Importance of Chemistry in Life, Everyday Uses – Studi Chemistry
Our bodies are made of chemicals. When we eat, breathe, or just sit down, chemical reactions are taking place. In fact all matter is made from some kind of c…