Category: Economics
Brexit vote: Single market benefit ‘largely imaginary’ – BBC News
Image copyright Getty Images The trade benefits of belonging to the European Union have been “largely imaginary”, according to the social policy think-tank Civitas. Its analysis argues that exports from non-EU countries to the single market have grown faster than the UK’s, since its creation in 1993. That lends weight to the argument that no […]
What makes gambling wrong but insurance right? – BBC News
Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Shipowners and traders meet in shipping agency Lloyd’s of London’s coffeehouse in 1863 Almost a decade ago, I tried to place a bet with a leading UK betting shop that I would die within a year. They should have taken the bet – I am still alive. But they […]
UK faces triple whammy from skills shortfall, visa restrictions and Brexit uncertainty
Britain’s tech sector faces a triple whammy hit to its workforce without government action, according to new reports. Firstly, from a critical fall-off in STEM skills in its own population due to lack of funding; secondly, from visa restrictions on the availability of high-skilled specialists from overseas; and, thirdly, from the uncertainty of the impact […]
Debt: Why more people are pressing the bankruptcy button – BBC News
Image copyright Thinkstock A hug, a dance and a song is hardly the reaction you would expect from someone just about to be declared bankrupt. The threat of losing your home, a year of financial restrictions, three years of paying creditors, and a six-year blight on your credit rating does not generally prompt a musical […]
Euro will fail in 10 years without reform Emmanuel Macron
French presidential candidate says currency amounts to a weak Deutsche Mark that has failed to unify EU states and stand up to the US dollar. The euro may not exist in 10 years time if Paris and Berlin fail to bolster the single currency union, French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has said, adding that the […]