Category: General

Use your wits! Can you solve these fiendishly difficult puzzles?
Isn’t it time we learned to reconnect with the idea of problem-solving for fun? After all, argues Alex Bellos, the best puzzles are pieces of poetry. In an exclusive extract from his new book, he selects some of his favourites. For those of us whose school memories include struggling with long division and quadratic equations, […]

Economic woes create anti-establishment movements around the world
In some western countries frustration with the status quo is boosting populist and rightwing political parties The US is not the only western nation to be undergoing political ructions over the faltering post-crisis recovery. New counter-establishment parties have emerged in several countries and, as in the UK, people have voted for dramatic change. Meanwhile, theres […]

A sleepover to die for: siblings spend night in Dracula’s Transylvania castle
Canadian brother and sister spend Halloween night in the castle that inspired legend, with coffins for beds, after winning an Airbnb competition. A Canadian brother and sister are passing Halloween night curled up in red velvet coffins in the Transylvanian castle that inspired the Dracula legend, marking the first time in 70 years anyone has […]

James Comey: Hillary Clinton email inquiry is FBI chief’s latest controversy
The former prosecutor and deputy attorney general has grappled with a series of contentious issues, including surveillance and the Ferguson effect. Three days ago, James Comey was one of Donald Trump’s symbols of Washington corruption and a law enforcer of the highest integrity to Hillary Clintons campaign. On Sunday, the FBI director was the most […]

Angola prison rodeo offers risks and rewards for Louisiana’s hard-knock lifers
Cash prizes and the chance to be treated like a regular person are the lure for inmates braving angry bulls and bucking horses at Louisianas biggest prison. Four men wearing black-and-white stripes take their seats at a table. They have only a split second to brace themselves before a bull charges through the gate, flinging […]