Category: General

How to actually talk to a woman wearing headphones | Martha Mills
Martha Mills: How to talk to a woman wearing headphones, without seeming like a terrifying harasser. An article has surfaced from the quagmire of bilge that is The Internet and it has caused, not without reason, a small tornado of outrage. Written as dating advice for The Modern Man (a misnomer if ever there were […]

The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
Experts say human impact on Earth is so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken. Humanity’s impact on the Earth is now so profound that a new geological epoch the Anthropocene needs to be declared, according to an official expert group who presented the recommendation to […]

Helping the homeless, one song at a time
(CNN)On a rainy August afternoon, Chris Leamy sat on a pavement and waited for passersby to drop a dollar or two. But the 29-year-old isn’t homeless. With a guitar in hand, he sits by homeless people in New York City and tries to help them boost their gains by playing a few tunes. Up until […]

A Quick Lesson On What Trigger Warnings Actually Do
The University of Chicago sent a welcome letter to incoming freshmen, posted online Wednesday, where they made it abundantly clear that they do not support “trigger warnings” or “safe spaces” in classes or on campus. In other words, students who may be susceptible to mental health issues, like post-traumatic stress disorder or panic disorders, are […]

I Love Dick is great as a TV show, but you still can’t beat the book
Jill Soloways adaptation of Chris Krauss novel is funny and beautiful in its own way. But it can’t transmit the intense pleasure of the ideas in the original. Chris Kraus had been describing her 1997 novel I Love Dick as funny for years by the time the news broke, in February, that Transparent creator Jill […]