Category: General

Swiss Army Man’s farting folly could be the cure for Hollywood’s ‘sequelitis’
Yes, the main premise is a farting corpse. Yes, thats completely ridiculous. But the comedy puts the mainstream industrys lack of invention to shame Music video directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert probably didnt panic when a continuous stream of audience members bolted for the exit at the Sundance premiere of Swiss Army Man. From […]

CIA medical staff gave specifications on how to torture post-9/11 detainees
Office of Medical Staff detailed exactly how to enforce sleep deprivation, limit food intake, waterboard and use confinement boxes, declassified report revealed CIA medical personnel acknowledged that placing detainees in small boxes barely large enough to fit their bodies inside was not particularly effective, but they still provided guidance permitting interrogators to continue using the […]

Why Silicon Valley is embracing universal basic income
In a pilot study influential incubator Y Combinator will hand over cash monthly to 100 families in Oakland, California. Whats UBIs payoff for tech entrepreneurs? Silicon Valley has, paradoxically, become one of the most vocal proponents of universal basic income (UBI). Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, web guru Tim OReilly and a cadre of other Silicon […]

Brexit: from an American perspective, there is only one good outcome
While UK voters have good reasons to either stay in or leave the European Union this Thursday, a British exit would only hurt the US While there are good reasons for British voters to either support or oppose the proposed withdrawal of the UK from the European Union, there is little argument at all from […]

George Soros: EU exit risks ‘black Friday’
Exclusive: Currency speculator warns devaluation would mean more disruption than when UK dropped out of ERM in 1992 The worlds most famous currency speculator has warned that a vote on Thursday for Britain to leave the EU would trigger a bigger and more damaging fall for sterling than the day he forced Britain out of […]