Category: General

Question by Bianca: economics!? why we should study economics? Best answer: Answer by yahoohelperbecause it is the root of our entire society. Our society went to hell with the stock market crash in 1929. The study of economics can help prevent that from happening again. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Summarize the History of Veterinary Medicine?
Question by owlmyste: Summarize the History of Veterinary Medicine? summarize the history of Veterinary Medicine Best answer: Answer by lostieVeterinary medicine is the application of medical, diagnostic, and therapeutic principles to companion, domestic, exotic, wildlife, and production animals. Veterinary science is vital to the study and protection of animal production practices, herd health and monitoring […]

history of mathematics in medicine?
Question by burn_lonely: history of mathematics in medicine? tell me history of mathematics in medicine Best answer: Answer by tirtdskyMathematics can be defined as the logically rigorous study of topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change. Another view, held by many mathematicians, is that mathematics is the body of knowledge justified by deductive reasoning, […]

What is Business Technology?
Question by access617: What is Business Technology? I am currently working on getting my Master’s degree in Business Technology. At the time I figured Business Technology was or meant that I would be basically working on the technology part of Business. My passion is computers I Absolutely love computers so Im hoping that my definition […]

Physics or chemistry?
Question by Broadwaystar: Physics or chemistry? Should I take physics or chemistry next year? Best answer: Answer by Grant BChemistry. By far. It depends on what you like the most, do a little research about both. Look up some basic chemistry and physics problems and see what is most interesting to you. I thought I […]