National Coalition Calls Attention to Leading Birth Defect Nationwide

Cleftline bears have special cleft lip stitching and offer unique emotional support for children born with clefts. Visit to order a bear or donate one to a child in the US. Chapel Hill, NC (PRWEB) July 07, 2015 Raising a call-to-action over a national health concern, more than 20 […]

Facial Rejuvenation: Good Medicine

by Loco Steve   Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation is a natural alternative to harsh and often dangerous cosmetic procedures such as facial surgery, Botox™, chemical peels and dermabrasion. The popularity of non- surgical rejuvenation procedures is rapidly growing. There has been a 471% increase in the numbers of such procedures performed since 1997. I have worked […]

Herbal Medicine For Diabetes

by DirtBikeDBA (Mike) Diabetes is characterized by inability to move the body to digest carbohydrates and sugar into the cells. It is one of the most common problems around the world. it is technically known as diabetes mellitus. In fact it is a disease that is uncontrolled increase blood glucose or blood sugar levels are […]