About An Occupational Medicine Specialist

by techne Pulmonology, toxicology, radiation exposure, and many other hazards of the workplace are just some of the main areas of focus of an occupational medicine specialist. For individuals who live in or near Alabama and are suffering from workplace injuries or disabilities and diseases, they should consult an occupational medicine specialist in Alabama for […]

Laughter Still Is The Best Medicine

by The U.S. National Archives There is an old adage about laughter being the best medicine. It is quite true. It is impossible to feel stressed when you laugh. Laughter has been shown to be beneficial for our health in a number of ways. When we laugh our physiology literally changes. Our blood pressure goes […]

Herbs in modern medicine

by cheesy42 In our day, usual and alternative medicines go through life hand in hand. No more are the times of persecution, when supporters of therapeutic healing proclaimed herbalists witches, witch specialists, sorcerers and charlatans. But adherents of alternative medicine and organic forces, in turn, definite their detestation toward the doctors. In today’s unconventional therapies […]