Category: Medicine

Latest Medicine News
Robin Williams as Patch Adams: Laughter is the best medicine Nobody could have played him better. Robin Williams mastered the role as the hilarious doctor, Patch Adams. In his book, Gesundheit!, Dr Patch Adams reminds medical providers :“Your goal is not to hurt people or belittle suffering, but to bring fun to … Read more […]

Marijuana Doctors Offers Physicians Unique Patient Reporting Tool for Medical Cannabis Patients
New York, New York (PRWEB) August 14, 2014 Recently, it has come to the attention of Marijuana Doctors (a subsidiary to the Medical Cannabis Network) that many opponents of legalized or reformed medical marijuana statutes, in states across the nation are finding fault with proposed legislation and regulations. These opponents attempt to maintain their claims […]

Interceptor Heartworm Medicine
Precaution dog heartworm medicine is usable in three techniques of administration; injection, oral as well as spot on or topical treatment. Each shortcut has its fans along with critics, although all while used correctly make secure your dog is no longer at risk originating at heartworm disease. Heartworm injections are widely used overseas, indicating contrast […]

Performance Rehabilitation & Integrated Medicine Offers Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Treatment
Watchung, NJ (PRWEB) August 12, 2014 Performance Rehabilitation & Integrated Medicine in Watchung, NJ is proud to offer our patients an innovative treatment option, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP). PRP has been shown to be safe and effective in treating a variety of conditions ranging from chronic injuries to acute trauma, which may eliminate the […]

Modern Eastern Medicine Ep48 Oriental medicine treats morbid obesity 질병을 동반하는 비만
Oriental medicine treats morbid obesity:orientla medical diet 질병을 동반하는 비만:한방다이어트 세계적으로 비만인구는 12억명, 전세계인의 20%에 달한다고… Oriental medicine makes sustainable diet possible:oriental medical diet 지속적인 다이어트를 도와준다:한방다이어트 왜 다이어트에 실패하는가? 대부분의 다이어트… Video Rating: 0 / 5