The Mediterranean diet doesn’t benefit everyone, study says

(CNN)The Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, yet only people with higher incomes or more education, or a combination of the two, experience this benefit, found a study published Monday in the International Journal of Epidemiology. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating plant-based foods, including vegetables, nuts, fruits and whole grains, in addition […]

NFL Still Owes More Than Half Its Brain-Research Pledge

WASHINGTON The National Institutes of Health is ending its partnership with the NFL to study concussions and brain disease, with more than half of the $30 million the league pledged unpaid, according to ESPN. The NIH decision to let the agreement expire follows a bitter dispute in 2015 in which the NFL backed out of […]

Report: Scientists edit human embryos for first time in US

(CNN)America reportedly has moved ahead in a controversial race to tinker with human DNA — but the scientific feat is shrouded in unanswered questions. The MIT Technology Review published on Wednesday a news report about the first-known experiment to create genetically modified human embryos in the United States using a gene-editing tool called CRISPR. Shoukhrat […]

Man smoking an e-cigarette

Study suggests e-cigs are just as harmful as tobacco but there’s a catch

In April researchers at the University of Connecticut released a study that claimed e-cigarettes could be potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes when it comes to causing DNA damage. “From the results of our study, we can conclude that e-cigarettes have as much potential to cause DNA damage as unfiltered regular cigarettes,” Karteek Kadimisetty, a […]