Category: Physics

Quantum Physics & Free Will – Bell’s Theorem, Determinism, Causality, Non-Locality, Realism
What does quantum physics have to do with free will? Is causality linear? What is indeterminism? What is Bell’s Theorem and why is it so important when it comes to discussing determinism and… Video Rating: 4 / 5

circa 2006 Jewel Pookrum M.D., Ph.D.

Renaissance Science – The Physics of Social Cancer
by Internet Archive Book Images Classical Greek life science had been based upon the Golden Mean geometries associated with the harmonic movement of the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres concept. Celestial movement was also thought to use the forces of harmonic resonance to transmit evolutionary guidance information to the movement of atoms within biological systems. […]

Doc Physics – Young’s Double-Slit Diffraction Experiment for Light (and some laser tricks, too)
Thomas Young was a genius. Learn from his insightful experiment. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Dr. Robert Schneider to Speak on Physiological and Emotional Heart Health
New York, New York (PRWEB) April 07, 2015 Total Heart Health: How to Heal Your Physiological and Emotional Heart Evening Workshop, April 8th, 6-10pm The Open Center, NYC Members $ 40, Nonmembers $ 45 Dr. Robert Schneider is one of the world’s leading authorities on scientific, natural approaches for heart disease, and has directed […]