Category: Physics

Smashing Physics – with Jon Butterworth and Brian Cox
CERN physicist Jon Butterworth gives his inside account of the hunt for the Higgs, followed by a Q&A with Brain Cox. Click here to subscribe for more science… Video Rating: 4 / 5

Jobs Dealing With Physics
Physics is an applicable subject, especially when it deals with technology. As we see that today we can’t live without technology, any skill and knowledge on this subject will be much more needed than before. Hence, for those who are interested in pursuing career involving with physics, you don’t need to worry as there are […]

Living Well Presents on Where to Go When a Complex Patient is Discharged from the Hospital
Tiburon, CA (PRWEB) August 08, 2014 Elke Tekin, Living Well Assisted Living at Home’s community relationship and membership services manager, will be presenting at the discharge planning team at the Dignity Health St. Mary’s Medical Center in San Francisco on alternatives to care for patients after hospitalization on Aug. 20. The discharge planning team […]

Shale Changes Everything: Genscape and RBN Energy Produce Combined Outlook for Crude Oil, NGLs and Natural Gas in North America
Boston, MA (PRWEB) August 08, 2014 Genscape and RBN Energy, both respected leaders in providing energy market data, analysis and intelligence, for the first time have combined resources to produce insightful presentations regarding the Outlook for crude oil, NGLs, and natural gas in North America. As the shale phenomenon continues to boom in North […]

Physics Of A Psychic Reading
Are we all connected on a deeper level? Does some commonality connect all of humanity? According to the latest theories, in quantum physics, this would seem to be the case. Theories regarding the Big Bang, quantum entanglement, and the conservation of energy all lend themselves to a deeper interconnectivity between the subatomic particles that compose […]