Category: Physics

OU physicist receives $1M grant
OU physicist receives M grant NORMAN — A University of Oklahoma physicist has received a $ 1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation to develop a quantum enhanced plasmonic sensor. The emerging field of physics known as quantum plasmonics will enable technology for … Read more on Norman Transcript Science and War It is sixty […]

The Zen of Quantum Physics
Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with two topics, Zen and quantum physics. Along the way there have been many things that have caught my fancy, from writers, film makers, philosophers and psychologists. But I always come back to Zen and physics, especially quantum physics. I don’t pretend that this essay is […]

Creating Optical Cables Out of Thin Air at the University of Maryland
College Park, MD (PRWEB) July 22, 2014 Imagine being able to instantaneously run an optical cable or fiber to any point on earth, or even into space. That’s what Howard Milchberg, professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland, wants to do. In a paper published in the July […]

A Crash Course In Particle Physics (1 of 2)
Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester presents an educational walk, through the fundamentals of Particle Physics. Disclaimer: The copyright own… Video Rating: 4 / 5

Latest Physics News
Physics: Wave of the future De Rosa, a physicist at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, knows he has a long night ahead of him. He and half a dozen other scientists and engineers are trying to achieve 'full lock' on a major upgrade to the detector — to gain complete … Read more on […]