Category: Physics

Particle physics inspires poet Jeffrey Skinner
Particle physics inspires poet Jeffrey Skinner Skinner went to see the world's largest particle physics center, called CERN or the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The trip is part of his current work on a collection of poems he hopes will help "fuse, question, haunt and embody recent … Read more on The Courier-Journal Solar singlet […]

PlaceWise Media Introduces New Services to Maximize the Mobile and Online Presence of Malls and Lifestyle Centers
Denver (PRWEB) July 10, 2014 PlaceWise Media, a leading digital marketer for malls and retailers and one of the nation’s largest shopper media networks, today announced the availability of two new services for shopping center clients: Digital Direct for Malls (DDM) and PlaceWise Programmatic, an automated advertising sales platform. “Each of these services is […]

For the Love of Physics (May 16, 2011)
[youtube] On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of hi… Video Rating: 4 / 5 [youtube] On March 17, 2014, a group of physicists announced a thrilling discovery: the “smoking gun” data for the […]

Kingslake Medal Awarded for Optical Engineering Paper On New Tunable Microlens
Bellingham, Washington (PRWEB) July 07, 2014 Wei Zhang of the National University of Singapore and Hans Zappe and Andreas Seifert of the University of Freiburg have been selected as the 2013 winners of the Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize for their paper titled “Polyacrylate membranes for tunable liquid-filled microlenses.” The Kingslake Medal is awarded annually […]

Cold Atom Quantum Physics Experiment
Utilizing Modular Real Time Data Acquisition and Control CHESTERLAND OH—December 7, 2011 CAS DataLoggers recently provided the data acquisition and control solution for an associate professor of physics at a major university running an experiment producing ultracold quantum gases containing either bosons or fermions. The experiment took place under ultra-high vacuum inside a pyrex glass […]