Iwao Takamoto, Designer of Animation Masterpiece Scooby-Doo and 85% of Hanna-Barbera Characters, Portrayed in “Living with a Legend” Stories by Daughter Leslie Stern

Friendswood, TX (PRWEB) July 28, 2014 As kids turn to the summer fun of new cartoon features and beloved classics, TotalRecall Publications announces a new book that expands the colorful history of animation. Multi-award-winning “Living with a Legend” by Leslie E. Stern offers touching personal stories about her acclaimed stepfather, Iwao Takamoto, who designed such […]

GCC Data Center Infrastructure Support Services Market to Grow at 10.86% CAGR to 2018 Says a New Research Report at ReportsnReports.com

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) July 30, 2014 Rapid advances in technology and increasing demand for computing solutions that have low maintenance costs are increasing the adoption of software-defined computing equipment and business solutions. With the increased adoption of software-defined services, it has become easier to integrate equipment management solutions with DCIM solutions. Every item of equipment […]

Motion Control Launches New Comprehensive Educational Resource

Anaheim, CA (PRWEB) July 24, 2014 Motion Control Guide has recently launched their Learn Center, a new segment of their website that is meant to provide their audience with educational literature on motion control (http://www.motioncontrolguide.com/learn/). The Learn Center is accessible through any page on the website via the main menu, and is broken down into […]