EidoSearch President and Co-Founder David Kedmey Selected to Speak at the 2014 IFTA Conference

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 22, 2014
David Kedmey, President and Co-Founder of EidoSearch, has been selected to speak at the 2014 International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) conference, a global organization of Technical Analysis Societies and Associations. The conference will take place on October 9th -11th at the Waldorf Hilton Hotel in central London. The theme of the conference “Unravelling the DNA of the Market” will explore some of the underlying causes of market behavior.
Mr. Kedmey, an expert on the topic of applying advanced information processing techniques to the Big Data challenges in financial services, will address “The Application of Pattern Search Technology in Finance.”
“I am delighted that the organizational committee has recognized the importance of using pattern search technology in finance and selected EidoSearch to take part in the IFTA Conference,” said Mr. Kedmey. “I look forward to sharing how we are able to use price, economic and market trends from the past to predict return distributions and outcomes today.”
The 2014 IFTA conference will be hosted by The Society of Technical Analysts (STA) and as stated in the program,“It is always taken as a given by technical analysts that markets move in trends and, within these trends, certain patterns and ratios reoccur more often than the laws of chance would allow for. Very little work has been done by the technical analysis community into looking at why clearly defined patterns and ratios keep on reappearing. The STA thought this conference would be a good opportunity to spend some time analyzing the underlying drivers of price behavior.”
IFTA is an international non-profit professional organization with member societies in more than 26 countries. For additional information or to register, please visit to http://www.ifta.org. For further information on EidoSearch, or to schedule an interview with David Kedmey, contact David Allen, dallen(at)eidosearch(dot)com.
About EidoSearch
EidoSearch harnesses the power of pattern search technology to generate predictive analytics and profitable insights. Our customers include some of the largest financial firms in the world, that use our powerful software as a search and discovery tool to help their traders, analysts and portfolio managers to better manage risk and to make more informed investment decisions.
EidoSearch is headquartered in Toronto, with offices in New York and Boston.