Electrolock, Inc. Announces Proprietary Brand of Mica Tape

Hiram, Ohio (PRWEB) April 21, 2015
Electrolock Incorporated is proud to announce the addition of Pyrodox™ to its current line of wire and cable insulation products. The proprietary brand of mica tape and will be on exhibition from April 27 to 30 at Interwire 2015, the largest wire and cable manufacturing trade show in the Americas.
Pyrodox utilizes muscovite mica and phlogopite mica to provide the proper high temperature performance, fire survival, and the durability necessary to insulate wire and cable from extreme temperatures while maintaining circuit integrity.
Pyrodox comes in several styles – GP 300, GP 400, GP 500, GM 500, and GP 600 – each with varying specifications for thickness, weight, mica content, and more to serve the needs of those in oil exploration, military and defense, aerospace, and any other industries that require high-quality mica tapes to withstand extreme temperatures.
“We are very excited to release our own proprietary brand of mica tape,” says Electrolock National Product Manager Rich Reed. “Electrolock, Inc. has been serving the Wire & Cable industry for over 40 years and we are very happy to continue to do so with Pyrodox™.”
Pyrodox™ is currently available to help meet all of your high-temperature insulation challenges in slit pads and traverse packs.
About Electrolock, Inc.:
Electrolock has been a leader in designing, manufacturing, and converting high temperature insulation for wire and cable applications since 1957. Our state-of-the-art electrical and chemistry laboratories keep us a step ahead in new product development, and provide our customers and suppliers with access to the latest testing technology. For more information, visit http://www.wirecableinsulation.com. To request a sample, head to http://www.wirecableinsulation.com/request-high-temp-wire-sample/.