
When it comes to Chemistry Departments, display of fire exit signs as also any other danger announcing signs is of great importance. The chemicals used in the department are often mixes of all sorts of ingredients, some of which are hazardous and dangerous. So great care is required during the handling of these chemicals, and in case of any accident or explosion, signs and other safety measures are a must.

Important requirements

Besides displaying exit signs in the case of any danger arising, an emergency plan should also be in place in any chemistry department. The plan should detail all hazardous materials that are in use – where emergency equipment is located, the procedure laid down to report emergencies and where the emergency escape routes are. Staff should undergo training for all the above procedures and if and when a disaster occurs, a checklist of what is required to be done should be taken during evacuation.

Action by students

All the students in the Chemistry Department should know where the fire exit signs are and trained to handle any fire emergency. They should be prepared to handle any chemical spills and be conversant with all other emergency procedures such as reporting, escape etc.

Steps to be taken in case of fire

Besides the fire exit signs displayed at strategic places, there should be fire alarms in the general areas which will ensure everyone in the building is evacuated. If for any reason the alarms do not work, responsible persons should go to each and every section announcing the danger and the need to quickly evacuate the building. If there are any people who are physically disabled they should be helped and taken to a safer location.

As in all cases when a fire breaks out, the lifts in the building should not be used. Having fire extinguishers on the premises will help if the fire is small and can be contained. Another helpful tip if the fire is small is to use a blanket to smother the flames. Since chemicals are in use, never use water as some chemicals may be water-sensitive.

Chemical spills

Another accidental danger that can occur in a chemical department is a chemical spill. In such a case the spill should be immediately contained with absorbents. A special Response Cart for Spills is available in all Chemistry facilities which contain the items required to contain the spills and affect total clean up. Because chemicals often contain hazardous materials if proper action is not taken it can lead to a fire.

Action in case of fire

If a fire does break out all the inmates of the Chemistry Department should head to the building nearest to their institution. The instructor should list the number of students in the class and ensure that all of them are safely out of the danger zone. Normally fire exit signs are placed near stair cases. However, if the staircase is filled with smoke the same should be avoided and another exit route used. Every Chemistry Department should be prepared to handle all and any dangerous situation. A proper plan should be in place detailing the hazardous materials in use, emergency training, escape routes and a checklist for shutting down the laboratory if evacuation is required.
