Fix My Basic Golf Swing With Simple Physics – How to Hit the Golf Ball Further Today

How many times have you set up for your swing and tried to put all your strength behind the club to smack it down the course? Basic physics will be against you and more often than not you will shank the ball. Learning the fundamentals of the basic golf swing will allow you to hit the ball further down the course.
Watch a pro line up and take a shot. You will notice that even though they are well conditioned and have strong muscles, they do not use all of their strength while taking the shot. The basic golf swing is more about using physics.
Examine your golf clubs. You will notice that each club is slightly different by design. This is to be expected, as each golf club is required to do a different job.
Pure power would be ideal if you were hitting the golf ball with a straight stick. Instead you need to hit the ball in a controlled and relaxed manner. The perfect golf swing will require power and flexibility and allow you to get the distance that you want while hitting the ball in the direction you want it to travel.
Correct positioning of your body in relationship to the ball enables you to make solid contact with the club head. The swing is an awkward movement that will only feel natural with practice. Stretching and remaining limber both during your game and off the course is crucial to completing your golf swing.
Following a specific golf exercise program has been shown to be extremely effective in allowing you to make full use of the basic golf swing. Any exercise program designed for golfing will contain both strength exercises and stretching exercises. The physics of the basic golf swing will be much easier to achieve when your body is conditioned for the game.
Create more power and consistency in your golf game and learn how to eliminate all of the faults of your swing by visiting