Many homeschool parents have a problem with children who comprehend math concepts but are sloppy in doing their schoolwork. The outcome is math problems that are commonly wrong, not because they don’t understand, but because they rushed through and made foolish errors (adding improperly, incorrect decimal placement, etc. )#)  Parents can be driven to distraction because they prefer their children to be careful when carrying out their assignments, rather than rushing through and making mistakes. So how should a homeschool parent contend with chronic carelessness?

Carelessness, especially with math, is a difficult topic. Homeschool parents want their children to succeed, appreciate a subject and achieve mastery. Parents want their children to learn about hard work, and the benefits of doing the job well. But there is another side to carelessness that you will need to consider.

I know this might shock a few of you, but when I subtract a purchase in my checkbook, I don’t always get the answer completely right. Sometimes I slip up, get the answer incorrect, and have to hunt until I uncover the arithmetic mistake so that it balances again. And yet, I really do think I have attained mastery over subtraction (on most days! )#)

Mastery is different than brilliance. Your child may demonstrate mastery by scoring 90% on an task (they may even have mastery with less than that, I suppose! )#)  Kids shouldn’t be expected to be “perfect” though. Now, to tell the truth, when homeschooling I did have my kids correct all their math mistakes in their daily work. When they got it wrong, they corrected it. I hoped that the tediousness of correcting would persuade them to be more mindful in their everyday work. Being mindful is a good thing, right? Just don’t go from “conscientious” into “perfection. ”  Striving for perfection can trigger strife, and perhaps rebellion. Because we all know, intuitively, that we simply can’t be perfect.

If you are in this scenario, here are some recommendations you can test in your family. Hold your children to a high standard (perhaps 90% correct. )#)
Have them do half the problems in the math book to provide them a longer period to give good results carefully.
Have them redo the problems they miss so they can fully grasp their errors.
In general, refrain from perfection, and strive instead for mastery. Explain to your children that 90% is what you consider mastery.

Asking for mastery in their schoolwork is one of the methods homeschool parents prepare their kids for the demands of university. Failing to aim for college is one of “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make WhenHomeschooling High School. ” Learn how to refrain from all 5 errors in my free e-mail mini-course

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