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Image from page 297 of “The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics” (1896)
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Identifier: bostoncookingsch19hill_7
Title: The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Authors: Hill, Janet McKenzie, 1852-1933, ed Boston Cooking School (Boston, Mass.)
Subjects: Home economics Cooking
Publisher: Boston : Boston Cooking-School Magazine
Contributing Library: Boston Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Public Library
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ew forth a goose feather from thebig bag she carried and stuck it up-right in the crown he or she wore.Thus the assembly soon began to takeon a fierce appearance as one personafter another succeeded in putting afeather in his cap. At the end of half an hour MotherGoose announced that time was upand that prizes would be awarded. For the booby, the young man whodeclared the only poetry he knew wasMary had a little lamb, and shehad been left out, she drew fromthe depths of the bag a paper-bound,autographed copy, edition de luxeof her poems, which she presentedwith some very motherly advice abouthis going to night school to study them.To the first prize winner, a veritableApache she looked, went a real ostrichfeather, fit to adorn a Sunday-go-to-meeting hat, if, indeed, an Apachemight go to meeting! Then the quaint little Mother,recognized ere this by the observing,as Lidas younger sister, declaringshe was due in Baby land, hurriedlymounted her broomstick and dancedfrom the room. l. m. c.
Text Appearing After Image:
THIS department is for the benefit and free use of our subscribers. Questions relatingto recipes, and those pertaining to culinary science and domestic economies ingeneral, will be cheerfully answered by the editor. For menus remit .00. Com-munications for this department must reach us before the first of the month preceding thatin which the answers are expected to appear. In letters requesting answer by mail, pleaseenclose postage stamps. Address queries to Janet M. Hill, Editor, Boston Cooking-School Magazine, 372 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Query 1399.—An inexpensivecheon. M. A. E., Brooklyn, N.Y.:Menu for a School Lun- Menus for School Luncheon I. (Taken from Home) Bread-and-Dried-Beef Sandwich Cold Succotash in Cup Apple or Very Ripe Banana II. (Supplied at School) Cream-of-Celery Soup Two Hot Muffins with Butter III. (Supplied at School) Creamed Fresh Fish Boiled Potato Bread and Butter Query 1400.—M. L. H., Redlands, Cal.: Recipes for Potato-and-Sardine Salad,Sardine-a
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