
The Law of Attraction teaches us that thoughts are things. And that by focusing on our goals and dreams, we can attract those things. Quantum Physics looks at how the world works on a sub-atomic or quanta level. Here’s a linear way to understand the powerful connection between Quantum Physics and LOA.

1. Newton

Sir Isaac Newton built on Galileo’s idea that there was a big empty space out there and that it functioned like a mechanical clock. We are familiar with Newton’s classic laws of physics, like an object in motion tends to stay in motion. It fits our sensory experience of life. To move a rock you have to touch it in some way; A cannot effect B unless something causes it too. Newton’s cause and effect worldview seemed like an unbendable law and led scientists right into the twentieth century. Then Einstein happened. A new dawn where everything was made up of little packets of energy suddenly arrived.

2. Einstein

It was Albert Einstein and his discovery that energy and matter (thought and manifestation, to some) can go back and forth – are one and the same. He cracked the old Newtonian way of thinking and Quantum Physics was born. In essence, everything including your thoughts were shown to be waves or particles of energy, depending on your perspective. Thoughts now had incredible power. But not until the quantum worldview merged with the Law of Attraction did we see the true potential for creating reality.

3. Non-locality – Perhaps the Most Profound Scientific Discovery

Non-locality refers to the quantum mechanics notion that objects that are far apart in space have connections (or communicate) and can instantaneously affect each other. Einstein himself called non-locality “spooky action at a distance.” Fritjof Capra, author of the Tao of Physics, states that “At the instant we perform our measurement on particle 1, particle 2, which may be thousands of miles away, will acquire a definite spin along the chosen axis. How does particle 2 know which axis we have chosen?” Spooky indeed.

Now, with regard to the Law of Attraction, imagine if you focus intently using a proven LOA system. The frequency of your thoughts can potentially communicate with other thoughts in your mind, the thoughts of others, and even the universe. This should be reason enough to move your LOA efforts into high gear.

4. Potential

Another quantum discovery was that quantum particles do not possessive definite qualities until the moment they are measured. Along those lines, all laws of atomic physics [and quantum physics] are expressed as probabilities. Capra says, “At the sub-atomic level [quantum level also], matter does not exist with certainty at a definite place, but rather shows ‘tendencies to occur.'” This understanding when applied to thought leads one to see that he or she has infinite control over what can be influenced – moment to moment. Instead of the old idea that one thing must act upon another, we see very clearly that thoughts and actions can effect the world instantaneously – across space. Your power to shape your reality is only limited by your imagination – your thoughts.


The purpose of understanding these Quantum Physics ideas is twofold. First, they will help shift your conscious or non-conscious perception of the world as a cause and effect Newtonian model to a world of unlimited potential. Second, you can embolden your Law of Attraction efforts with your new quantum understanding of how vibrational energy is in everything. There is no such thing as empty space but rather infinite vibrational energy everywhere. The stars, humans and even rocks are in a state of constant vibration. So we are always co-creating with our environment.

By adopting a quantum worldview we allow ourselves to attract what we want into our lives, assuming we follow a proven Law of Attraction system. Although Quantum Physics teaches us a new way to view the universe, which is comprised of our mind of course, the real focus needs to be on changing your thoughts. Reprogramming your non-conscious mind with new beliefs, thoughts and intentions changes your vibration energy and you are subsequently acting in harmony with the universe and its quantum laws.

This requires a proven system and teacher that has mastered control of the subconscious and conscious mind.
