Mr. Osborne – British Literature Unit Preview 2 – The English Renaissance

Moving into the English Renaissance, Mr. Osborne covers the historical contexts surrounding the period, as well as some Renaissance-era poetry including the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
very interesting and helpfull for exams
thank you !!!
nice beard and moustache
Yeah Kutztown!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t figure out if this is satirising or just stealing the format of
Crash Course.
Dude, you are going to save my literature exam next week !! XD
Thanks for that !
7:16 Wrong sir!
Please come to our University and give a lecture
excellent! more than informative. analytical and enjoyable.
Or was he? Yes, he was. But, maybe…
So who was the first? John Green or Mr. Osborne?
John Green
Thanks, Nipun. I was aiming for all three.
Thanks to U Ko Ni for sharing the history of Myanmar =] Nay Win was just
the leader of rapists of democracy and the ultimate creator of a failed
state.. He failed on his comrades and he failed on his country. Just
because he sacrificed his life for the country doesn’t mean he deserved to
own the country and abuse absolute power over the country. there were so
many people like him who sacrificed their lives for the country, so many
unsung heroes and they lived their lives like they never did anything
special for the country… You can easily judge that rapist Nay Win by his
characters like how much he enjoyed material wealth and how many “wives” he
had…. the guy with disgusting personality… ain’t got nothing to be
proud of him… Those people still calling him Big Papa are tagging
themselves as rapists of democracy. If he were genuinely a “patriot”, he
could have done so many great things for the country and for the people
during his reign like what Lee Kuan Yew did to Singapore.
Myanmar Literature Talk ( Singapore )