Physical therapy schools prepare you for a career as a physical therapist. Where once all one needed was a bachelor’s degree to work in this field, a Masters degree is now required. Beyond the education, students must acquire a license to work as a physical therapist.

The good news about this change is that you can acquire an undergraduate degree in whatever you would like as there is no specified course of study. However, the Masters work in physical therapy requires courses in math, physics, biology, chemistry, and anatomy. Typically, students choose to major in biology. Some students pursue an undergrad degree and certification for athletic trainer. Then they move onto their Masters degree later. The certification as an athletic trainer allows them to work while they pursue their advanced education. Expect to spend roughly two years in school getting your Masters in physical therapy.

A physical therapist is responsible for planning and dispense a treatment plan for a patient based upon the condition presented. The aim of treatment is to both alleviate pain and restore and increase mobility. Patients may range in age from infants to elderly patients. Within the field of physical therapy, there are numerous specialties, such as, sports medicine, geriatrics, cardiopulmonary, neurology, pediatrics, and orthopedics. The work can take place in offices, clinics, and even hospitals. There are physical demands to the job as crouching, kneeling, and lifting are required. Physical therapists also need to stand for long periods of time.

Some people consider physical therapy schools to be the community colleges that offer pre-physical therapy programs. However, these are just two year associate degrees. At the completion of such a program, a student would still need to get the next two years of school to complete the bachelors degree. An undergraduate degree in one of the sciences would be a good path. There are general science degrees with a pre-physical therapy concentration.

When you are checking out physical therapy schools that offer a Masters degree in physical therapy is essentially a program that is heavy on science and courses with a clinical setting component. The program is rigorous so a solid foundation in science will be critical to a student’s success.

Once you get your certification and begin working as a physical therapist, expect to participate in continuing education throughout your career. The job outlook for physical therapists is good as the field will continue to grow.

If you are considering a job as a physical therapist, then you want to research physical therapy schools. Be sure to find a school that offers what you need. Consider the following:

Rate of graduates passing certification exam
Job placement after graduation
School ranking

You want to choose a program that will prepare you for a future career as a physical therapist. You want to be adequately prepared to do the best job you can. Physical therapy is a rewarding field that allows you to help others.

Learn more about the training you’ll receive and find local Physical Therapy schools when you visit