Tag: black

Qinyang Sanhui to Introduce Its Black Sic Powder F1500 & P2500
Zhengzhou, China (PRWEB) December 03, 2014 Qinyang Sanhui Refractory Material Co., Ltd., a specialized and pragmatic manufacturer of black Sic powder both for bonded abrasives and coated abrasives, introduces its black Sic powder F1500 and P2500. Black silicon carbide powder is produced in an electric-resistant furnace, with petroleum coke, quartz sand and other materials. […]

EstroG-100 & Black Cohosh To Be Tested Side-by-Side for Treating Menopause Symptoms
Santa Fe, NM (PRWEB) November 25, 2014 Helios CORP, the maker of EstroG-100, has announced that they will be testing EstroG-100 in a side-by-side comparison with Black Cohosh. EstroG-100 has performed exceptionally in three clinical studies as a natural menopause ingredient. Among the results, studies showed that EstroG-100 works 6 times faster than Black Cohosh […]

Yuxin Abrasives to Introduce Its Black Sic
Zhengzhou, China (PRWEB) November 30, 2014 Henan Yuxin Abrasives Co., Ltd., one of iAbrasive’s Gold Members, introduces its featured products – black silicon carbide. According to Yuxin Abrasives, black Sic is produced under high temperature in an electric resistant furnace, with quartz sand and petroleum coke as raw materials. Its hardness is between corundum […]

Fascinating rhythm: light pulses illuminate a rare black hole
(PRWEB) August 17, 2014 The universe has so many black holes that it’s impossible to count them all. There may be 100 million of these intriguing astral objects in our galaxy alone. Nearly all black holes fall into one of two classes: big, and colossal. Astronomers know that black holes ranging from about 10 times […]