Tag: Economics
Elon students present research at economics conference – Today at Elon
The conference featured presentations on a wide range of economic topics, including labor markets, monetary policy, and international trade. Elon students presented research on topics such as the effects of minimum wage increases on employment, the impact of trade on income inequality, and the relationship between economic growth and income distribution. The students worked on […]
Economics Book Review – The Ascent of Money, a Financial History of the World by Niall Ferguson
[ad_1] Cryptocurrency is a digital asset used mainly as a medium of transaction to secure financial transactions, control creation of additional assets and verification of any asset transfers with the help of a strong cryptographic technology. It is also known as a form of digital currency or virtual currency. Unlike central banking systems, it is […]
Economics – Psychology’s Neglected Branch
[ad_1] “It is impossible to describe any human action if one does not refer to the meaning the actor sees in the stimulus as well as in the end his response is aiming at.” –Ludwig von Mises Economics – to the great dismay of economists – is merely a branch of psychology. It deals with […]
Read Any Good Economics Books Lately?
[ad_1] Okay, so the other day a good friend of my at our Think Tank asks me if I had read any good economic books lately, not a question anyone would generally ask, after all, why would anyone go out of their way to read an economics book? Well, I am one, and the book […]

End of the road: will automation put an end to the American trucker?
Americas 2 million truckers have long been mythologised in popular culture. But self-driving trucks are set to lay waste to one of the country’s most beloved jobs and the fallout could be huge. Jeff Baxters sunflower-yellow Kenworth truck shines as bright and almost as big as the sun. Four men clean the glistening cab […]