Tag: European

Academic Discipline: Economics of the European Integration
by Cornell University Library The European Union is a unique economic system that was established to protect countries from the nationalism after the Second World War. It consists of 27 member states that share common policies and priorities. A student will study the integration process of economics on a real example as the European […]

High Growth in the European Breast Reconstruction Market due to Successful Biologic Products; Led by LifeCell
Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) May 14, 2015 According to a recently published report by iData Research (http://www.idataresearch.com), the European breast reconstruction market has experienced some of the highest growth in recent years driven by a shift towards tissue expander/implant (TEI) based products. The success of biologics in this segment has had a tremendous effect on the […]

Receive European Pharmaceutical Pricing & Reimbursement updates from EMIG, EUCOPE, Quintiles, GSK, Sanofi, ABPI, MSD, National Pharmaceutical Association Ltd and more
London (PRWEB UK) 15 May 2015 The UK’s Department of Health has said there will be no further price cuts for branded medicines not funded via the voluntary Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) in a move welcomed by the industry. The DH announced in November 2013 that it would reduce the cost of these statutory […]

Punk Economics 1: The European Debt Crisis
David McWilliams, Irish economist, gives us our first lesson in punk economics. Writer/Director: David McWilliams http://www.davidmcwilliams.ie/ Producer/Editor: Mary Catherine Brouder Illustrato… Video Rating: 4 / 5

Emerging disease could wipe out American, European salamanders
(PRWEB) October 30, 2014 A deadly disease that is wiping out salamanders in parts of Europe will inevitably reach the U.S. through the international wildlife trade unless steps are taken to halt its spread, says University of Maryland amphibian expert Karen Lips. The recently described fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, has caused a crash in wild […]