Tag: from

Federation of Credit Acquires Trade Credit Groups Business from Technology Partner Credit2B
South Plainfield, NJ (PRWEB) July 15, 2015 The Federation of Credit & Financial Professionals (the “Federation”), the oldest independent business credit association in the United States (founded 1896 in New York City) announced today the acquisition of the industry trade credit groups facilitation business from Credit2B LLC, a leader in the credit information […]

The very best ideas for preventing artificial intelligence from wrecking the …
The very best ideas for preventing artificial intelligence from wrecking the … The Boston-based Future of Life Institute, backed by a $ 10 million donation from Elon Musk, recently announced its list of 37 winners of research grants in the field of artificial intelligence. Spurred by concerns from luminaries such as Musk, Stephen … Read […]

Extract colors from black color- a physics science fair project
by Internet Archive Book Images We all know that white colour/light is composed of many colours. When white light hits a surface, some colours or light waves of a particular wavelength are absorbed and the remaining colours are reflected back. The colour of the material will be determined by the colours which are reflected back. […]

MaRS EXCITE and Assurex Health collaborate to bring precision medicine to Canadians suffering from depression and schizophrenia
Toronto, CN (PRWEB) June 12, 2015 MaRS EXCITE announced today that Assurex Canada, a precision medicine company that helps patients with mental health disorders, has joined its evaluation platform. Assurex Canada helps healthcare providers tailor the right treatment to patients using a genetic test called GeneSight, which is displacing the current trial and error […]

Summer Tips from NewYork-Presbyterian: 7 Essential Items for a Safe Summer
New York, NY (PRWEB) June 19, 2015 When packing a bag for outdoor activities this summer, don’t forget these seven summer standbys. It is essential to protect skin, eyes and body from the summer sun and heat. 1. Sunscreen – “Just one blistering sunburn can increase your risk of skin cancer,” explains Dr. Shari Lipner, […]