Tag: mashreads-podcast

MashReads Podcast: If you read one book this year, it should be ‘Lincoln in the Bardo’ by George Saunders
Image: MJ Franklin/ Mashable George Saunders has a rule for art: “If you do it right, it’s almost like this beautiful prism, and no matter what the time is, you can shine a light through it and it will make some sense.” It’s an apt description and an excellent way to describe Saunders’ newest book […]

MashRead Podcast: ‘Their Eyes Were Watching God’ is the classic novel that should be on every reading list
Image: Mashable Composite, HarperCollins Sometimes the best way to understand the present is to look at the past. Or at least that’s true with Zora Neale Hurston’s classic novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The book was written 80 years ago, but the commentary it makes on race and feminism feels as fresh and contemporary […]