Tag: Physics

What is Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics?
APAM attracts students interested in both mathematics and physics. Students here learn how to synthesize the fundamental ways in which the world works with p… Video Rating: 0 / 5

Doc Physics – Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
We investigate the fact that different materials can store heat with varying efficiencies. Efficient thermal energy storage means BIG specific heat. We’ll in… Video Rating: 4 / 5

EMF, Internal Resistance, and Terminal Voltage of Batteries Explained | Doc Physics
Some people call it a dry cell; I call it a sling blade. Mmmhmmm. We will figure out why my laptop and cell phone heat up when I use them a lot. Yay! Video Rating: 4 / 5 Taken from the UCCP Introductory Physics course. © 2009 The Regents of the University of California This […]

Physics Lab Equipments Manufacturers India- Naugra Export
by Internet Archive Book Images We are the exporters and manufacturers of educational products such as scientific and laboratory equipments. We are known for our durable and best educational equipments. Thus we have come up as the Physics Lab Equipments Manufacturers India, serving in all the educational and health related institutes. As per the growth […]

Festive chainmail physics simulation test — Blender Bullet Physics SmallLuxGPU
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhTGX_ou1EM&fs=1&rel=0] Pure Bullet physics rigid body simulation, no constraints, no cloth sim. Metals parts simulated using compound physics capsule primitives (~10K rbs). (~5K rb… Video Rating: 4 / 5