Tag: Physics

Destiny: Sparrow physics are, uh, interesting
Destiny: Sparrow physics are, uh, interesting Destiny grants players a personal vehicle with a very slim grasp of how gravity works. Normally, Destiny players use Sparrow's to get from A to B faster than running – you can't chase down those public events efficiently at a gentle trot. But the hover … Read more on […]

Quantum physics expert receives highest honour from the Institute of Physics
Quantum physics expert receives highest honour from the Institute of Physics Quantum physics expert Professor Sir Peter Knight has become an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Physics, its highest honour. Sir Peter, an Emeritus Professor at Imperial College London and its former Deputy Rector for Research, has been recognised … Read more on Imperial […]

What can you do with a physics degree? Take 2
Where do physics majors end up, besides broke and teaching the next mob of physics majors? How many physics majors end up working in History and English righ… Examples of exam questions at Physics AS level for Classical Mechanics covering Edexcel, AQA and OCR material.

CERN at 60: Biggest moments at flagship physics lab
Physics Image by neatlysliced When I was young, I hated physics. Not much has changed. CERN at 60: Biggest moments at flagship physics lab Until this time, particle physics had looked for traces of particle collisions by photographing their wake in bubble chambers or spark chambers. Charpak's invention — a gas-filled box in which amplifiers […]

Atomic Physics 1: Quantum Numbers
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GordTWgyQnA&fs=1&rel=0] Video 1 on Atomic Physics which sets out the four quantum numbers, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the order of filling electron shells and the ordering of el… Video Rating: 4 / 5 [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CUojMQgDpM&fs=1&rel=0] Patreon Support Link: http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Subbable Support Link: http://subbable.com/smartereveryday Tweet this Vid: http://bit.ly/1hf576c…