Tag: social-media-companies

Elon Musk takes SpaceX and Tesla off Facebook
Sorry, Zuckerberg. Image: mark brake/getty images Elon Musk just deleted SpaceX’s and Tesla’s Facebook pages. At first we thought the Instagram-obsessed billionaire was joking or, as someone would say, trolling. But Musk got himself involved in the #DeleteFacebook movement, in the wake of a data privacy issue involving Cambridge Analytica, and actually followed through. SEE […]

Facebook exec to journalists: Be careful of your biases
Twitter … for Facebook employees. Image: THIBAULT CAMUS/AP/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK Facebook has been making headlines, but not for anything good. The world’s largest social network is in the spotlight over Russia’s interference with the 2016 U.S. election. SEE ALSO: Zuckerberg fires back at Trump over Facebook’s role in the U.S. election Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief security officer, […]