Tag: Students

Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students
What is the role of a literature review in research? What’s it mean to “review” the literature? Get the big picture of what to expect as part of the process…. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Audience: Doctoral capstone students (EdD, DBA, PhD, DNP) This session will focus on writing approaches to synthesizing the research, including […]

Online Learning Tools And Software Help Students Improve Their Grades, eReflect Says
New York City, NY (PRWEB) October 08, 2014 eReflect, developer of the Ultimate Vocabulary™ program, agrees that the use of online learning tools and software in the classroom help students boost their learning and raise their grades. Not every student can have the teacher’s undivided attention or have the luxury of a tailored one-on-one lesson. […]

Spirit of Math Schools Students Continue to Dominate National Math Competitions in 2014
Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) September 11, 2014 Spirit of Math Schools is raising the standards in mathematics education with 1478 of their students placing on the National Honour Rolls this past school year. Year after year, the number of students on the National Honour Roll continues to grow. This year’s honour roll placements increased by […]

Students Who Struggle with Math Find Success with TouchMath Adventures App
Colorado Springs, CO (PRWEB) September 04, 2014 Innovative Learning Concepts, Inc., creators of the widely used TouchMath mathematics curriculum, announced today that their new TouchMath Adventures: Jungle Addition 1 interactive educational math app for Apple iPad tablets is already having a positive effect on children learning basic math concepts as students head back-to-school. For […]

New NSF-Backed Research Study Confirms that Project-Based Inquiry Curriculum Has a Positive Effect on How Students Learn Science
New York, NY (PRWEB) August 28, 2014 While educators and students across the country took off for summer vacation at the end of June, at the same time, a National Science Foundation-funded efficacy study on project-based curriculum (with major game-changing implications in education) was released, but not widely publicized. The most profound finding to […]